JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Software Engineering Intern

June 2019 • Tampa, FL

What I liked

Legitimate work which gave a lot of insight into industry standards and practices. I learned a lot and had a great team.

What I wish was different



Always be curious and ask questions.
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Software Engineering Intern

June - August 2019 • Jersey City, NJ

What I liked

I loved the vibe of the company.

What I wish was different

I wish I had gotten the return offer.


Work hard here!
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Investment Banking Analyst Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I enjoyed my team's willingness to help and provide insight, the company location in NYC, the clients I worked for, and the pay.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been provided a bit more autonomy on certain tasks. Also, the nature of the work requires many hours per week, which I wish could have been a bit less.


Always be willing to ask for help when you need it. Don't try to complete a task you don't know how to do.
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Summer Analyst

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The culture was fantastic! It was really supportive and geared towards innovation and career development.

What I wish was different


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Summer Analyst

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I loved the friendly faces on my floor and the great analyst to manager match for each intern. I also had great opportunities to have certain ownership over projects that directly impact the leadership team and clients! It was a great experience to help me transition from college to work seamlessly and the experience opened my eyes to a new lifestyle I knew JPMC would help me tackle.

What I wish was different

At first, I wished there was more guidance from the leaders around me. However, this taught me to reach out to learn more than what was given to me with proper time management. I taught myself how to learn the most by asking questions and connecting the dots to different functions of the workplace. It was a great experience to learn on my own than being spoon-fed all the details to each project I took part in.


One piece of advice would be to learn as much as possible by making lasting impressions and relationships! You will never crack past the surface if you ask the same questions to the same people, but by making mentors and friends who want to learn from you as you can from them. Unexpected news may also come out of no where, so always keep your brand in mind and work hard!
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Summer Analyst

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Great company, really appreciate its employees and treat the summer analysts really well. They are also flexible to have you switch programs if you're a high-performer.

What I wish was different


I would refine interview skills, presentation skills, and be prepared to be in powerpoint/excel minimum of 8 hours a day.
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Software Engineering Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The pay and location was great

What I wish was different

Different manager


Take advantage of your time there
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Summer Analyst

June - August 2017 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Great work environment

What I wish was different

Nothing, I was very satisfied


Hit the ground running and work hard from the very start
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Summer Analyst

June - August 2019 • Newark, DE

What I liked

It placed me outside of my comfort zone. I established valuable connections and met great friends along the way. They frequently had senior speaker chats where we could learn about the day to day roles of people within the firm.

What I wish was different

No major complaints. The only thing I would say is maybe a different role within the firm.


Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. Set the bar high and go accomplish whatever goal you put in place. You will never be successful without growth so don't be afraid to get out there and reach your full potential.
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Financial Analyst

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The overall experience and culture of the company.

What I wish was different

My commute was shorter, making my days longer at the desk.


Have an open-mind and do not forget ask questions.
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Corporate Analyst Development Program

June - August 2019 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

-Great work experience and workplace culture -Many opportunities for advancement/movement between teams -Exciting and dynamic work environment -Very diverse and inclusive

What I wish was different



Be willing to reach out to others while interning at JPMorgan to learn more about what they do. This networking can land you a job!
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Summer Analyst

June - August 2018 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

Culture, Salary, Learning and Development

What I wish was different



Be articulate and eager to learn
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Analyst (Investment Banking)

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I really liked how much hands on experience we were given as interns -- during my summer, I worked on major deals that ended up hitting the front page of the Wall Street Journal. It was a great resume building experience!

What I wish was different

I wish that my team had more on-boarding activities for interns. For the first part of the internship we had to integrate with the team ourselves which I found a bit difficult.


The 8 weeks of the internship are a sprint -- give it your all (especially at the very beginning) and you will be rewarded with more experience and the ability to work on more complex things.
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Financial Controller

June - August 2019 • Newark, DE

What I liked

Working for largest bank in the U.S, get a lot of exposure to financial markets. There was a supportive management system in place to help grow professional career.

What I wish was different

I wish there had been more interaction with clients and among team members.


Always find a way to be proactive.
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Summer Analyst

June - August 2019 • Tempe, AZ

What I liked

The company was really invested in making sure the interns felt comfortable with their teams and the other interns.

What I wish was different

I wish that it had more hands on finance experience.


Definitely network as much as you can! Internships are great for building your brand, and JPMorgan Chase is a great place to start.
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Global Finance and Business Management Summer Analyst

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Great exposure to senior management, great events with other interns and meaningful work.

What I wish was different

Full time hiring in the New York Metro area has dropped tremendously due to most full-time roles moving to Plano, TX.


Get as many coffee chats with other full-time employees as possible.
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Corporate Analyst Development Program

June - August 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I enjoyed getting to learn from my team and network with very smart professionals who worked in all areas of the bank. My project was very stimulating and I was given lots of responsibility in regards to my day-to-day work.

What I wish was different

I wish I could’ve been able to learn a data analysis software that was related to my work.


Make sure to be productive during your down time by networking with other professionals, gaining close relationship with other interns, and learning new skills that relate to your role.
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Software Engineering Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

One of the highlights of this internship was working in NYC. When I visited NYC for the first time, I told my mom that one day I want to work in NYC. It would be so cool. And, here I am. I did it. Besides, I honestly liked the culture and the internship program at JP Morgan. Everyone was so welcoming and wanted to hear what I have to say about what could be done and what how would I do it if I was given an opportunity. I also got to learn a lot about the corporate world, which I had no experience at all.

What I wish was different

I wish my team members were given remote access to our desktops.


Don't underestimate yourself; you can achieve anything you want! If I were hesitated by the belief of "small fish big pond," I would have missed a great opportunity. I was never looking for any specific industry to work in, but I wanted to part of something big and cutting-edge. So, don't narrow down your goals too quickly. It's time to explore. Also, working at JPMC has been an excellent experience for me, so much better than I ever could have imagined! JPMC is indeed a tech-friendly company and is making significant advancements in doing so (ex: AI/ML, Blockchain, and Quantum Computing).
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Software Engineering Intern

June - August 2019 • Wilmington, DE

What I liked

Networking opportunities, learned a lot through the project

What I wish was different

More mentorship, clear direction of project


Communicate well with your manager, and meet as many people as possible.
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Global Finance and Business Management Intern

June - August 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

The culture and employees were incredible and fostered professional growth and learning opportunities.

What I wish was different

I wished we would've been given housing recommendations or employee-sponsored housing options.


Network with as many coworkers as possible in the fields that interest you. It's okay to ask questions and learn more about roles you didn't know you may be interested in.
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